Brave Heart Himalaya One day’s  Pokhara Tour

  This day our luxurious car/van drives up you to the Pokhara’s most beautiful Buddhist  peace pagoda with the panorama view of 3 over 8,000 mtrs mountain ranges.which can be a  memorable of your trip around Pokhara. we highly recommend to all our respected visitors, because of amazing mountains scenery from this beautiful hill side, standing across the Fewa lake.After  photography of these amazing mountains view, you be drive to the Devi’s fall, then Gupteshwor cave and Tibetan refugee camp, they are together in an area,so they are easy to visit one after another, if you are  interested to buy some real Tibetan goods/handicrafts especially hand made yak wool carpet, for souvenirs to bring your home of course it is a best place to do shopping here, then your trip continuous to the international mountain museum, which probably can be biggest mountain museum of  the south Asia. You have two options to go afterwards, either drive back to Lakeside then boating on the Fewa lake or drive down to the southern Pokhara to see the sun set with the  great Himalayan panorama view, then you will be drive back to your hotel.

<p>World Peace Pagoda </p><p>Devi's fall </p><p>Gupteshwor cave </p><p>Tibetan refugee camp </p><p>International mountain museum </p><p>Fewa lake boating</p><p>Visit southern Pokhara for sun set view.</p>

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Brave Heart Himalaya One day’s  Pokhara Tour